Getting The Most From Your Condensation Control Unit

Your condensation control unit should provide adequate background ventilation throughout the dwelling, so it is not essential to open windows unless a large amount of moisture is being generated; for instance, whilst cooking, drying washing indoors, or after taking a bath.  Here are a few tips which will help you to produce less moisture and get the most from your condensation control unit.

 Cooking: cover pans and do not leave kettles boiling.  If a lot of steam is being produced in the kitchen, then either use an extractor or open windows, or doors to the outside, and keep any doors to the rest of the dwelling closed.

 Drying Laundry: always dry washing outdoors whenever possible (washing will dry perfectly well outside most days during the winter months) or use a tumble dryer, which is either a condenser type or is vented to the outside, either directly or by using a flexible hose through a window..  If you do not have a tumble dryer, but have to dry washing indoors on occasions, then the best thing to do is to dry it quickly by putting it on the radiators with the windows open.  Hanging washing on clothes-horses to dry, with the windows closed, is the worst thing you can do and is the major cause of condensation problems in the home.

 Taking Baths: run an inch of cold water first before turning on the hot tap - this will greatly reduce the amount of steam produced. After finishing your bath or shower, either switch on the extractor for say a minimum of 10 minutes, or open the window, and close the door behind you..

 Let Air Circulate

Do not place furniture or other household objects against walls (especially outside walls) - leave a gap. Do not overfill cupboards and wardrobes. Built-in cupboards on outside walls can often be a problem - breather holes in the doors, and ventilation slots at the back of each shelf might help.


 In cold weather it is best to keep background heating on all day. The warmer the air is, the more moisture it can cope with. So from the point of view of controlling condensation, the warmer the dwelling is the better. Calor gas and paraffin heaters produce hot moist air and can actually make the problem worse.


 Treat mould as soon as it appears with a fungicidal wash or spray - which are available at most DIY stores.